Class RobotState
Defined in File RobotState.hpp
Class Documentation
class bitbots_localization::RobotState
Sample state for a particle filter that localizes the Robot.
Public Functions
RobotState(double x, double y, double T)
- Parameters
x – Position of the robot.
y – Position of the robot.
T – Orientaion of the robot in radians.
RobotState operator*(float factor) const
RobotState &operator+=(const RobotState &other)
double getXPos() const
double getYPos() const
double getTheta() const
double getSinTheta() const
double getCosTheta() const
void setXPos(double x)
void setYPos(double y)
void setTheta(double t)
void setSinTheta(double t)
void setCosTheta(double t)
double calcDistance(const RobotState &state) const
visualization_msgs::msg::Marker renderMarker(std::string n_space, std::string frame, rclcpp::Duration lifetime, std_msgs::msg::ColorRGBA color, rclcpp::Time stamp) const
Public Members
bool is_explorer_
Public Static Functions
static void convertParticleListToEigen(const std::vector<particle_filter::Particle<RobotState>*> &particle_list, Eigen::MatrixXd &matrix, const bool ignore_explorers)