Class RobotMotionModel
Defined in File MotionModel.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public particle_filter::MovementModel< RobotState >
Class Documentation
class bitbots_localization::RobotMotionModel : public particle_filter::MovementModel<RobotState>
Public Functions
RobotMotionModel(const particle_filter::CRandomNumberGenerator &random_number_generator, double diffuse_xStdDev, double diffuse_yStdDev, double diffuse_tStdDev, double diffuse_multiplier, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 2> drift_cov)
void drift(RobotState &state, geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3 linear, geometry_msgs::msg::Vector3 angular) const override
- Parameters
state – Pointer to the state that has to be manipulated.
linear – Linear movement relative to the base footprint in cartesian space
angular – Anular movement of of the robot in its z-axis, therefore only the z axis needs to be set
void diffuse(RobotState &state) const override
The diffusion consists of a very small gaussian jitter on the state’s variable.
- Parameters
state – Pointer to the state that has to be manipulated.
Public Members
double diffuse_multiplier_
Private Functions
double sample(double b) const
RobotMotionModel(const particle_filter::CRandomNumberGenerator &random_number_generator, double diffuse_xStdDev, double diffuse_yStdDev, double diffuse_tStdDev, double diffuse_multiplier, Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 2> drift_cov)