Class DynupNode
Defined in File dynup_node.hpp
Class Documentation
class bitbots_dynup::DynupNode
DynupNode is that part of bitbots_dynamic_DynUp which takes care of interacting with ROS and utilizes a DynUpEngine to calculate actual DynUp behavior.
It provides an ActionServer for the bitbots_msgs::DynUpAction. This actionServer accepts new goals in any tf frame, and sets up the DynUpEngines to work towards this new goal
Additionally it publishes the DynUpEngines motor-goals back into ROS
Public Functions
void onSetParameters()
DynupEngine *getEngine()
bitbots_dynup::msg::DynupPoses getCurrentPoses()
Retrieve current positions of left foot and trunk relative to right foot
- Returns
The pair of (right foot, left foot) poses if transformation was successful
bitbots_msgs::msg::JointCommand step(double dt)
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseArray step_open_loop(double dt)
void reset(int time = 0)
Private Functions
Callback that gets executed whenever #m_server receives a new goal.
- Parameters
goal – New goal to process
Do main loop in which DynUpEngine::tick() gets called repeatedly. The ActionServer’s state is taken into account meaning that a cancelled goal no longer gets processed.
void publishSupportFoot(bool is_left_dyn_up)
Publish the current support_foot so that a correct base_footprint can be calculated
- Parameters
is_left_dyn_up – Whether the left foot is the current DynUping foot, meaning it is in the air
bitbots_msgs::msg::JointCommand createGoalMsg(const bitbots_splines::JointGoals &goals)
Creates the Goal Msg
double getTimeDelta()
Helper method to achieve correctly sampled rate
Private Members
rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr node_
std::vector<std::string> param_names_
bitbots_dynup::ParamListener param_listener_
bitbots_dynup::Params params_
DynupEngine engine_
Stabilizer stabilizer_
Visualizer visualizer_
int stable_duration_ = 0
int failed_tick_counter_ = 0
double last_ros_update_time_ = 0
double start_time_ = 0
bool server_free_ = true
bool debug_ = false
bool cancel_goal_ = false
tf2_ros::Buffer tf_buffer_
tf2_ros::TransformListener tf_listener_
std::shared_ptr<robot_model_loader::RobotModelLoader> robot_model_loader_
moveit::core::RobotModelPtr kinematic_model_
rclcpp::Publisher<bitbots_msgs::msg::JointCommand>::SharedPtr joint_goal_publisher_
rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Imu>::SharedPtr imu_subscriber_
rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::JointState>::SharedPtr joint_state_subscriber_
void onSetParameters()