We use TVM to compile our neural networks to run on the GPU of the robot. The networks are compiled to Vulkan shaders which run on many different GPUs including non Nvidia GPUs that don’t support CUDA. This results in a significant speedup compared to running the networks on the CPU.

Installation on the robot

  • Follow the install/build guide
    • Install Vulkan SDK with this script in docker/install in the TVM repo

    • Change build/config.cmake to enable profiling, llvm and vulkan during TVM build

  • Install helpful Vulkan tools

    sudo apt install vulkan-tools
  • Add user to group render and video

    sudo usermod -a -G render,video $USER
  • Install TVM python directory with

    pip install ./python
  • Install additional deps

    pip install onnx onnxsim xgboost

Compile a YOEO model directly

If you use YOEO you can export the model to onnx with the yoeo-to-onnx command. See yoeo-to-onnx --help for more information. You can then use the onnx model to compile it with TVM using the yoeo-onnx-to-tvm command. See yoeo-onnx-to-tvm --help for more information. By doing so you can skip most of the steps above that use the tvmc cli.

How to optimize a model

  • Run the following commands if you are annoyed by deprecation warnings

    export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore"
  • Use tvmc (located in ~/.local/bin, therefore check if it is in the PATH!) for all simple TVM related things. If it is not in the PATH you can add it with

    export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

    You can add this to your .bashrc (if you use bash) or .zshrc (if you use zsh) to make it permanent.

  • Simplify your onnx model using

    onnxsim <input_model> <output_model>

    This step is needed as onnx can be quite convoluted and TVM does not support all operations.

  • Tune your simplified onnx model using

    tvmc tune --target "vulkan" --target-vulkan-from_device 0 --enable-autoscheduler --output <optimization_run_name>.json --enable-autoscheduler --repeat 5 --number 50 <onnx_file>
    • Only do this on the “NUCs” because the model will be optimized for the specific hardware.

    • If you only optimize for CPU select target “llvm” and possibly narrow it down further by setting llvm related settings, but we focus Vulkan (GPU) optimization for the rest of this guide.

    • Remember to replace the placeholders in the command.

    • Check with radeontop if the GPU is utilized.

    • The optimization might take hours or even days.

  • Compile the model using the optimizations in the json file from the previous tuning. To do this run

    tvmc compile --target "vulkan" --target-vulkan-from_device 0 --output <output_name>.tar --tuning-records <optimization_run_name>.json <onnx_file>
    • You also want to do this on the “NUC” because the model will be optimized for the specific hardware.

    • This should not take hours.

    • Remember to replace all placeholders in the command

    • You will hopefully end up with a .tar file containing the following items

      • mod.params

      • mod.json

Run your compiled model

  • To test the model run the following command

    tvmc run <model_name>.tar --profile --print-time --device "vulkan" --repeat 100

    The command shows you the profiling of each layer. Check if they all run on vulkan0. At the bottom, a timing benchmark is printed.

Run the model using the Python API

Extract the tar, using tar -xf <your_file>. The following code snippet shows how to run a YOEO model using the Python API. Normally the bitbots_vision is used to run the compiled model.

import numpy as np
import tvm
from tvm.contrib import graph_executor

# Load model
binary_lib = tvm.runtime.load_module("")
loaded_params = bytearray(open("mod.params", "rb").read())
loaded_json = open("mod.json").read()

# Create model module
module = graph_executor.create(loaded_json, binary_lib, tvm.vulkan(0)) # Replace with tvm.cpu(0) for CPU models

# Create dummy data
input_data = np.random.uniform(size=(1,3,  416, 416)).astype("float32")

# Run the network
yolo_detections, segmentation = module.get_output(0).numpy(), module.get_output(1).numpy()

print(yolo_detections.shape, segmentation.shape)