Testing in Simulation
Test Motion
ros2 launch bitbots_webots_sim simulation.launch
ros2 launch bitbots_bringup motion_standalone.launch sim:=true
To control walking of the robot, teleop needs to be startet as well:
ros2 run bitbots_teleop teleop_keyboard.py
Test Imu in RViz
ros2 launch bitbots_ros_control rviz_interactive_imu.launch
Test the complete software stack in simulation
Start simulator_teamplayer without game controller (robot will walk in and do its thing):
ros2 launch bitbots_bringup simulator_teamplayer.launch game_controller:=false
Start simulator_teamplayer with game controller (you can control the current game state):
ros2 launch bitbots_bringup simulator_teamplayer.launch ros2 run game_controller_hl sim_gamestate.py