Configure and Flash a robot =========================== This section describes how to fully configure and flash a robot with a configured OS and your current software to prepare it for games. Robots ------ .. note:: Current status as of September 2023: +--------+----------+-------------+-------------+ | Name | Hostname | IP | Camera IP | +========+==========+=============+=============+ | Amy | nuc1 | | | +--------+----------+-------------+-------------+ | Rory | nuc2 | | | +--------+----------+-------------+-------------+ | Jack | nuc3 | | | +--------+----------+-------------+-------------+ | Donna | nuc4 | | | +--------+----------+-------------+-------------+ | Melody | nuc5 | | | +--------+----------+-------------+-------------+ | Rose | nuc6 | | | +--------+----------+-------------+-------------+ Flashing -------- Flashing is the process of preparing a robot for the next game and starting the correct software. .. note:: Does DNS not resolve ``nuc*``? See :doc:`configure_hostnames` to fix this. At a competition, follow these steps: #. **Configure Wi-Fi networks for fields:** This needs to be done before the competition at the team area (see :doc:`competition_wifi`)! #. **Checkout the latest code:** In your local `bitbots_main `_ repo run: #. Check that you are on the ``master`` branch #. ``git pull`` to get the latest changes #. ``make fresh-libs`` to clean and update all third party libraries #. **Sync, configure, compile and launch software:** In the ``bitbots_main`` directory call the ```` tool: .. code-block:: bash ./scripts/ This does the 5 following tasks: - Synchronize/Copy the current state of your local bitbots_main directory to the robot(s) - Install ROS 2 dependencies using `rosdep` on the robot(s), if internet is available - Configure game specific settings and the Wi-Fi connection on the robot(s) - Build/Compile the source code you just synchronized to the robot(s) - Launch the teamplayer software on the robot(s) If you need help with this tool, or want other options, look at `this README `_ for example usages or call: .. code-block:: bash ./scripts/ -h #. **Optional: Connect to the robot:** Simply copy-paste the command provided by the deploy-tool when its finished. #. **CURRENTLY DISABLED: Reset foot pressure sensors:** Pick up the robot, so that the feet do not touch the ground. Long press the green button on the IMU, which resets the foot pressure sensors. #. **Profit!** The robot is now ready play! Ansible Configuration --------------------- Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Ability to connect via SSH to the robot(s) - Have our `ansible repo `_ checked out Configure the robot OS with ansible ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Ansible setup is able to configure the following aspects of the robot: - Configuration of kernel type and kernel/boot parameters - Configuration of low level system parameters for better performance - Setup/Configuration of the ``bitbots`` user account on the robot - Network/IP configuration including: - Configuration of competition Wi-Fi networks (see :doc:`competition_wifi`) - Configuration of USB-Ethernet adapter as slave of a bridge interface, to allow for removal without losing the interface utilized by ros/dds - Configuration of custom MTU of 9000 (jumbo frames) for Ethernet connection to the basler camera - Setup of custom apt repositories/packages (e.g. ` `_ if applicable) - Installation and configuration of ROS and DDS - Configuration of Vulkan packages/drivers To run the whole setup on a specific robot execute the following in the ansible repository folder: .. code-block:: bash ansible-playbook ./playbooks/setup_robots.yml --ask-become-pass --limit if you dont have access to the secret git-crypt data you can add ``--skip-tags git_crypt`` to the command. Ansible will execute the playbook with the ``bitbots`` user on the robots and will ask for its password to be able to utilize ``sudo``. .. note:: Does DNS not resolve ``nuc*``? See :doc:`configure_hostnames` to fix this. LEGACY: Sync/Build the software using the ``robot_compile`` tool: ----------------------------------------------------------------- We utilize a python script located in ``bitbots_main/scripts/`` to allow doing the following: - sync the local code of the whole ``bitbots_main`` or a single package onto a robot - build the synced code on the robot afterwards - automatically install required dependencies with ``rosdep install`` if the robot has an active internet connection - clean the whole ``~/colcon_ws`` on a robot - interactively configure the ``game_settings.yaml`` on a robot to prepare it for a game - activate the fields Wi-Fi connection and disable all others A full overview all the options are viewable with the ``-h`` flag. **Exemplary commands:** .. code-block:: bash # full sync/build of bitbots_main ./scripts/ nuc1 # rm everything before full sync/compile ./scripts/ --clean-src --clean-build nuc1 # sync/build and configure robot for game after ./scripts/ -k nuc1 # only configure robot for game ./scripts/ -K nuc1 # only sync/build a single package (bitbots_vision) ./scripts/ -p bitbots_vision nuc1 # sync/clean build a single package (bitbots_vision) ./scripts/ -p bitbots_vision nuc1